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For my art project, I decided to make an earth globe that represents global cooling. While I was watching The Day After Tomorrow for my environmental film assignment, I thought creating an earth representing global cooling would be a good idea to deliver my message as well as it’s relation of my topic for my blog.

My art is an earth wearing a white fur coat. I wanted to represent global cooling in a fun and cute way. The earth globe is wearing a fur coat. This shows how the earth is feeling cold just like human. On the top of the globe, there is a tree that is frozen. Technically, the top of the globe should be North Pole, and there are no trees in North Pole, but I thought putting frozen trees on the top of the globe would deliver my message of global cooling well.

My topic for my blog is environmental protection and conservation. Global cooling is one of the issues that caused by human’s indifference of environmental protection and conservation. Therefore, I wanted to give a message that if we do not care about environmental protection, someday; global cooling will come into our lives. It is time for us to care about protecting our environment and conserve them before it is too late.

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